If you are receiving an error message in Watch NRL, it's most likely one of the following two:
- Content Asset Not Available
- Video Network Error
To get past these errors, try the following solutions:
- Refresh the Watch NRL service by closing your app or tab and re-open
- If the message reappears, try opening a match replay from a previous round
- Try a hard refresh
- Mac Users:
- Hold ⇪ Shift and click the reload button, or
- Hold down ⌘ Command + ⇪ Shift Key + R
- Windows Users:
- Hold Shift + Control + F5
- Mac Users:
- Once you have done this, head back to the match you're trying to watch
- The video player will remember the setting from the video player you accessed earlier during that browser session.
If these solutions haven't resolved your issue, please contact our Watch NRL Customer Care team.